Category: Uncategorized


    About a year and a half ago, I fell and sprained my ankle. It was worse than any sprain I had previously experienced – initially I thought I completely broke my ankle – and I ended up on crutches. And as time went on, my ankle seemed to be getting worse rather than better. We…

  • (In Your Own) Home for the Holidays

    I still remember the first major holiday when I didn’t go “home.” Back then, home still felt like where I had come from rather than where I rested my head every night. My husband was deployed, I was working, and there was not enough time to travel “home.” My brother, who lived about 4 hours…

  • Hotel Life: 65 Nights at the Navy Lodge

    After more than three months of living in hotels, I am excited to share that we have moved into a house again! I feel like I have been “moving” for a short eternity now, and I am so ready to be done with this move in particular. I plan to give you a full tour…

  • The Salads of Summer 2019

    My food goal for our summer road trip was to eat a salad for lunch or dinner every day. I wanted to do this mostly because it can be hard to eat enough vegetables when exclusively eating out, and not eating enough vegetables makes me feel gross. More simply, greens > fries. My husband surprised me…

  • Oxford, MS

    My family recently drove cross-country en route to Hawaii. Many years ago, my grandmother told me that she had visited all 50 states (twice!). I admittedly have a touch of wanderlust, but I was so impressed by my grandmother’s travels that I made a goal to visit all 50 states. Everyone has different criteria for…

  • May in Review: 5/1/19 – 5/8/19

    I’ve been thinking that a follow-up type post would be a nice companion to my menu plans. I do my best to follow the plan, sometimes swapping days here or there or skipping a meal as we end up with more food in the fridge than anticipated. So this follow-up will tell you if I…

  • Easter Recap

    Happy Easter! My holiday was filled with good food and good company; I hope that yours was too! A few days ago, I shared my Easter menu plan. I want to revisit that post to recap what I actually made, the cooking timeline, and which recipes I will make again. This is the list of…

  • An Easter Menu Plan

    So let’s talk Easter. If you recall, I have been trying to decide between a more traditional Easter dinner à la Easter Dinner on Two Sheet Pans, or go the small plates route like we did for Christmas. And after a lot of hemming and hawing, we decided to go non-traditional again. I know that classics…

  • Food Journal #6: Farmhaus Burgers

    Last month, my husband and I celebrated our ninth wedding anniversary and decided to splurge with some Farmhaus take out. We make most of our meals at home these days, and while I genuinely enjoy cooking, sometimes it’s just nice to have a night off of cooking and dishes. When we do eat a meal…

  • Alternative Holiday Dinners (Part 2)

    This is the second of a two post series on alternative holiday dinners, where I share two ways to celebrate without cooking a big, traditional dinner. For Part 1, click here. When it was time to plan for Christmas, I considered ordering catering from Earth Fare again. But when I checked their menu, it was…