Author: Rachel


    About a year and a half ago, I fell and sprained my ankle. It was worse than any sprain I had previously experienced – initially I thought I completely broke my ankle – and I ended up on crutches. And as time went on, my ankle seemed to be getting worse rather than better. We…

  • (In Your Own) Home for the Holidays

    I still remember the first major holiday when I didn’t go “home.” Back then, home still felt like where I had come from rather than where I rested my head every night. My husband was deployed, I was working, and there was not enough time to travel “home.” My brother, who lived about 4 hours…

  • My Menu Plan – December 2020

    My postpartum freezer stash is dwindling but we still need to eat every day, so I wrote another meal plan. I literally cannot remember the last time I wasn’t exhausted, so most of these recipes are tried-and-true without too much fussing. I’m going to be missing all of my freezer meals! As always, this is…

  • Menu Plan 8/1/20 – 8/7/20

    Tomorrow is the first day of August and since I am 30-something weeks pregnant, I am transitioning into weekly menus again. Last weekend we were anticipating Hurricane Douglas’s impact, so I basically scrapped the last week of my July plan. Instead of buying a bunch of fresh food, losing power, and throwing it all away,…

  • My Menu Plan – July 2020

    I’m back with another month-long menu plan! Actually, I will share my June plan at the end of this post also. WordPress changed their post editor recently, and my pregnant brain was too tired to deal with that last month. 😂  And it is actually pretty intuitive, so clearly I was EXTRA tired last month.…

  • My Menu Plan – May 2020

    Okay, I am giving monthly menu planning yet another try. Fingers crossed that no one gets sick this month and we can eat the whole thing! My Perdue Farms order was finally delivered a week or two ago, so it did take the full 5-6 weeks to arrive. Based on my one data point, I…

  • Easter Recap 2020 and Menu Plan 4/19-5/2

    Happy Easter! I hope you all had a peaceful holiday – it was definitely a different feeling this year with a stay-at-home order in effect, and while we all missed getting out to church in the morning, we still enjoyed lots of family time and plentiful food. As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, I…

  • Menu Plan 4/5-4/18 and some Covid-19 updates

    Anyone else feel like 2020 is just kicking you when you’re down? I thought so. We started our social distancing about a week or two before guidelines started to come out here in Hawaii because we had a stomach bug (somehow our second stomach bug of the year), so we have been away from other…

  • My Menu Plan – January 2020

    Happy New Year! I’ve been listening to fireworks all day today – no one does New Year’s Eve fireworks like Hawaii! After six long months, I am happy to announce the return of my monthly menu plan. My nights have switched around a bit since I last shared a monthly menu plan. It feels less…

  • Menu Plan 12/9/19 – 12/15/19

    I banged out this menu plan pretty quickly last night as I realized it was already the start of another week. Anyone else not feel like cooking at all lately?? I love menu planning and cooking in general but I am dragging. So even though a lot of these menu items look kind of fancy,…